Entrepreneurship in the COVID-19 era


Cruz Garcia lirios



Background. Social Work studies about entrepreneurship warn a process of deliberate, planned and systematic rational choice which promote quality of life and subjective well - being our predominant determinants. Objective. Specify a model for the study of entrepreneurship in household heads. Method. Not experimental, documentary and retrospective study with a nonrandom selection of sources indexed repositories Latin America –Copernicus, Dialnet, Ebsco, Latindex, Publindex, Redalyc, Scielo, Scopus, WoS, Zenodo-, considering the keywords and the publication period 2019-2021. Results. A model with eight hypotheses three paths dependency relationships between nine variables put forward in the state of knowledge was specified. Discussion. The inclusion of variables relating to the quality of life and subjective well - being as a result of the determination of the enterprise warns. Such a model would anticipate local development scenarios.


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