Customer Loyalty Creation Based On Customer and Trust Satisfaction from Quality of Service in Pt. Pharos Indonesia Branch Denpasar


Ni Ketut Trisna Utami
I Wayan Sujana
I Nengah Suardhika



This study aims to test and analyze service quality, customer satisfaction, trust and customer loyalty. This research was conducted at PT. Pharos Indonesia Denpasar Branch with research population is outlet that make purchasing, sample used 100 units with purposive sampling method. All data obtained from questionnaires are suitable for use, then analyzed using structural equation model based on variance analysis known as Partial Least Square (PLS).

The results showed that the better the quality of service provided to customers, it will have a better impact on improving customer satisfaction, the better the quality of services provided to customers, it will have an impact on increasing trust customers, the more satisfied customers will have an impact on the increase of customer loyalty, the higher the trust the customer will have an impact on increasing customer loyalty, the more satisfied customers will have an impact on increasing trust customers and the better quality of services provided to customers will have an impact on increased customer loyalty.

The implication of this research is that service quality can be improved by considering reliability, customer satisfaction can be improved by paying attention to customer satisfaction to the whole product. Trust can be improved by taking into account competence and customer loyalty can be improved by paying attention to make purchases regularly.



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