Organisasiaonal on Employee Performance Dimedication Satisfaction Work Vacuum Operating Adat Kerobokankuta Utarabadung


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This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance as a result of the gap of previous research results (research gap) and differences of focus on organizational culture and Organizational Commitment to Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance. This research was conducted at Koperasi Desa Adat Kerobokan Kuta Utara Badung with population and research sample of all employees as many as 60 people. All data obtained from the kuisoner distribution is feasible to be used, then analyzed using a variance based structural equation model known as Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The result of research shows that (1) Organizational Culture has positive and significant influence to Job Satisfaction, (2) Organizational Culture has positive and significant influence Employee Performance, (3) Organizational Commitment have positive and significant influence to Job Satisfaction (4) Organizational Commitment have positive and significant on Employee Performance, (5) Job Satisfaction mediates the influence of organizational culture and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance. The implications of this research that Job Satisfaction and Performance can be applied with respect to Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment. Employee performance is increasing, job satisfaction is increasing and it can all be improved by taking into account Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment.


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