The Role of Motivation Mediation on Style Leadership and Organization Culture of Teacher Performance in SMP Negeri Kuta Utara Badung


Komang Ayu Selvia Prameswari
Wayan Sujana
I Ketut Setia Sapta



The success of school management is determined by the utilization of its human resources. One of the factors to achieve the organiasasi goal is teacher performance. Due to the increase in performance it will form a more advanced learning and quality. Performance can be seen from the employment target of Civil Servant SMP Negeri 1 Kuta Utara Badung which decreased in 2015 that the achievement to meet the target succeed, but in the year 2016 decreased and resulted in not fulfill target. Based on these data and interview results that the decline in performance occurs due to lack of decisive leaders in making decisions that cause performance to fall. The purpose of this research is to confirm the linkage of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture to Teacher Motivation and Performance at SMP Negeri 1 Kuta Utara Badung. Population and sample in this research is entire teacher who have civil servant, that is population which amounted to 51 people. The analysis technique used in this research is structural equation modeling (SEM) based on variance or component based SEM, better known as Partial Least Square (PLS). From the research result, it is found that leadership style has no positive and not significant effect on teacher performance, leadership style has positive and significant effect to motivation. But the style of leadership will have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance if through motivation mediation.


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