The Determinant of Customer Satisfaction that Gives the Effect of Word of Mouth in PT. BPR Krisna Yuna Dana,Gianyar Bali


Ni Putu Wiwik Juliantari
I Nengah Suardhika
IGN Eka Teja Kusuma



This study aims to test and analyze the quality of service, corporate image, customer satisfaction, and word of mouth. This research was conducted at PT. BPR Krisna Yuna Dana, Gianyar Bali with the research population are all customers of PT BPR Krisna Yuna Funds both savings, time deposits and credits, a sample of 95 customers using proportionate sampling method. All data obtained from questionnaires are suitable for use, then analyzed using structural equation model based on variance analysis known as Partial Least Square (PLS).

The result of the research shows that service quality has positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction, service quality has positive and insignificant effect to company image, company image has positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction, service quality have positive and insignificant effect on word of mouth, positive and significant to word of mouth, corporate image has a positive and significant effect on word of mouth, corporate image can influence word of mouth through customer satisfaction and service quality can influence word of mouth through customer satisfaction.

The implication of this research is that service quality can be improved by paying attention to service guarantee, corporate image can be improved by paying attention to company management. Customer satisfaction can be improved by paying attention to customer satisfaction to product and word of mouth can be improved by paying attention to motivate friend / relation.


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